“Wealth isn’t something to hold onto, it’s something that flows through us.”
It was the one phrase that the trainer shared during a 4-day course that landed for me so clearly.
In today’s society, if you were to take a poll of how most people would define wealth, it would most likely align with the more traditional definition of wealth: “a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.” In my line of work, the term “wealth accumulation” arises often, as many financial professionals are focused on how much money can be put aside for retirement.
I understand in this day and age that we can no longer solely rely on the government for financial resources in retirement (i.e. social security, etc.), and that we get to actively participate in proactive money management and strengthening our own financial foundations. This is indeed important.
However, for me the definition of wealth far outweighs how much money you have in the bank or the things that we buy. It goes beyond our net worth and what we physically have in our lives. As the trainer indicated, wealth isn’t something we hold onto, it’s something that we create in every aspects of our lives (financial or otherwise) that flows through us.
An alternate definition of wealth that I found was: “an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount.” For me, the most important word in that definition is “anything.” Wealth can indeed be about money, and it can also be about other things as well.
When I think about what wealth is to me, it’s so many things…
- Wealth is a consistent feeling of joy in my life.
- Wealth is an inner knowing that I’m living my purpose and I’m actively moving toward the best version of myself.
- Wealth is the joy of a child’s smile and laughter in a moment of innocence and exuberance.
- Wealth is the feeling I get from supporting others – financially, emotionally, or spiritually.
- Wealth is a conversation with a friend where I’m really and truly present and listening.
- Wealth is being in service to others.
- Wealth is being a witness to the growth of others, and seeing them take a leap in their life despite fear.
- Wealth is having a home that is safe, comfortable, and warm.
- Wealth is living my life with my heart wide open, despite the potential for being hurt.
- Wealth is the simplicity of time with my family and other loved ones.
As the trainer said this past weekend, wealth really does flow through us in so many ways when we stop to think about it. And as with wealth, I believe that money gets to flow in and out. When the primary definition of wealth is one that implies accumulation and a static balance of net worth, the energy of money is altered – it’s less flow and more slowed down (if not completely stopped).
So what does wealth mean to you? What are the ways that wealth flows through your life? Are there new and exciting ways for you to see wealth beyond your bank statements?