Do you sometimes struggle with managing your finances powerfully so that you can have less financial overwhelm and instead have more financial stability, freedom and choice?
Is it difficult for you to understand how you earn a good living and yet have little or nothing to show financially for all of your hard work?
Do you wish you had an easy-to-follow, streamlined, and efficient financial process that would allow you to build a strong financial foundation while still enjoying yourself?
“I’m a busy, self-motivated and successful professional who wants to more effectively use, build, and leverage my financial resources to afford myself more choices in life.”
You’re a professional who aims to consistently achieve success both professionally and personally. You invest your time and energy into getting results quickly, and you’re making good money that you want to use to build a strong financial foundation.
Who you are
As Successful Sally or Steve, you’re a professional who is looking to ensure that the time you’ve invested in your work is financially rewarded. You’re smart, you’re motivated, and you’re a real “go-getter,” and you’re earning at a level that many others don’t have the honor of experiencing and you’re grateful for that. Your biggest focus right now is on continuing to achieve, build on your experiences, and grow your skill set so that you can earn more money, but you’ve realized that you need to be keeping more of the money you make in order to build a strong financial foundation that will support your desired lifestyle and your ability to have choice, now and in the future.
What your issues tend to be
You’re very passionate about being successful, so the time and energy invested in that pursuit coupled with trying to have a personal life doesn’t leave you time for much else, including managing your finances. You make good money from working hard, yet you can’t seem to figure out where all of that money is going to and you seem to spend more than you make and you’re likely to have accumulated debt as a result of overspending. You’re confused as to why you work so hard and seem to have less to show for it than you’d like, and you’re a bit embarrassed that you’re smart and successful in other areas of your life, yet you aren’t successful when it comes to your money. You’re trying to keep up with the elusive “Joneses” who seem to have it all and you feel financially strapped, wishing you had more financial resources to afford yourself the financial choice and independence that you believe that working hard should allow.
All of this is creating financial stress in your life, sometimes frustrating you to no end because you can’t figure out how to create financial peace and stability. That’s because you “don’t know what you don’t know” about how to build a strong financial foundation yet, and you’re still learning about how to proactively manage your finances and keep more of the money you make consistently. You try from time to time to sit down and put together a financial plan, but the results aren’t exactly what you want them to be, you’re frustrated, and you know you can’t continue to do it the same way you’ve been doing it because you keep getting the same under-whelming results. If we’re really being honest, you sometimes think that you’ll never gain control of the financial overwhelm that you’re living in now.
What you need most right now
Your primary focus needs to be on getting a handle on where you are financially, and then intentionally deciding what you want your financial future to look like. After gaining an understanding of your current financial challenges and opportunities, you need to put together a “money map” to help you move out of financial overwhelm onto a path of financial independence. It’s all about repairing and building your financial foundation right now, so that we can convert your hard work and success into financial freedom which will allow you more choice in your life. You need a systematic and streamlined way to manage your finances that doesn’t take up much time and that can be maintained with a minimum amount of regular effort and attention. It’s important that you become aware of and understand your current financial behaviors so that you can adjust those behaviors and become financially proactive and powerful to be able to use your money in an intentional way that reflects who you are.