Traditionally, when most people hear the word “abundance” they immediately think about money. And while that would seem to be the most common understanding of the word, as I’m finding out more and more often in my own life it is a very small part of how we can truly experience abundance.
Abundance can come in the amount of joy we have in our lives, in the amount of love we have for others, in the amount of beauty that we see in nature, and in the exciting and unexpected mysteries that pop up in our everyday lives and enchant us. And quite honestly, I could go on and on and on about how many other places we can see abundance!
However, in speaking with my clients when we talk about abundance they understand it in concept (as in, how they could see it or experience it in their lives), yet they have trouble either generating it or seeing it once they’ve generated it.
So what can be done to increase the amount of abundance that you are experiencing in your life? I’m glad you asked! I’ve been in the question of how to do this for myself for the last few months and here are the key steps that I’ve been practicing that have been working for me:
1) Chase inspiration – There’s something about the high energy and positive vibration of being in an activity that you love and could spend countless hours doing. It creates joy in your soul and often times allows you to offer the best of yourself to the world as you step out of over-thinking (which many of us do, myself included!) and into a place of flow and ease. From this place of flow, you’re best able to clearly understand what next step is best for you and you act as a lightning rod for new and exciting opportunities to show up.
2) Surrender – This is the hardest step for me, by far! Yet I am reminded almost daily to surrender my ideas of where my life is going and what is best for me. As Marianne Williamson says in her book, A Return to Love: “God’s plan works, yours doesn’t.” For those moments when you find yourself struggling to figure everything out and you can’t see how it’s all going to work out and you’re feeling those thoughts of scarcity and fear, just remember – you can surrender anytime and the natural self-organizing and self-correcting pulse of the universe will take over and guide you. When we’re able to surrender, it allows for answers and opportunities to show up that we couldn’t have ever dreamt of in our brains! (PS – this is not only a daily occurrence for me, sometimes it’s an hourly occurrence or every 10 minutes…it depends on the day. I’m still working on this one myself for sure.)
3) Be mindful – You may have heard the phrase “thoughts become things” and I am a firm believer that we create our own reality with our thoughts. So, for example, a few months ago I was experiencing thoughts of fear, and guess what showed up in my life – scarcity! When I was able to shift my thoughts to a more positive outlook (which took some heavy focus, let me tell you), what showed up was much more joyful and peaceful.
4) Practice presence – This step is the key for me to be able to take the other steps I’ve mentioned so far. When I slow down enough to create quiet space, it allows me to gain clarity on what inspires me, where I get to surrender, and what thoughts I get to be mindful of and shift. There are many ways I create quiet space including meditation, reading, hanging out at the local park (where the landscape is gorgeous!), journaling, and working out (it clears my head and has me focus on my body).
For me, the practice of each of these steps has supported in shifting me away from a feeling of scarcity toward abundance and joy. And while some of that abundance has been showing up in my bank account, I can honestly say that the majority of it has been showing up in how I feel in my body, how clear my mind is, and how many creative ideas I’ve had and how much I’ve been able to enjoy the small moments that show up in my day.
Each of these steps is simple in concept, yet not necessarily easy. It takes a dedicated focus, commitment, and practice to create the wide range of abundance that each of us has access to – we only need to take the time to tap into it!