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Rewriting Your Financial Story to Create an Abundant Life

“I’m not good at managing money.”

“You have to work hard for your money.”

“You can’t get rich doing what you love.”

“If you aren’t born rich, chances are you never will be.”

“Financial security comes from having a good job and a steady paycheck.”

So you might be asking, what do all of these statements have in common?

They’re money beliefs that many of my clients have that keep them from stepping into their power with money and using money as the amazing tool that it is to create the lives of their dreams.

The fact is that the stories we create around money are often unconscious ones and so we aren’t even aware that they exist. Perhaps you grew up in a household where your father said “you’ll never be any good with money” after you made a few mistakes learning how to spend money. If you decide that he’s right in what he says and you tell yourself that story enough times (consciously or unconsciously), you begin to engrain the belief that you’re not good at managing money which then allows your past experiences and mistakes to invent your future. Essentially, when we live consistent with the belief that we’ve created, our lives are designed by default as we unconsciously behave and react in accordance with what we believe. Our brains invest energy and time to reinforce the belief by collecting evidence that the belief is correct!

I’ll use myself as an example to illustrate the cycle of “living by default.” I grew up in a household where gratefully my parents taught me about money from an early age so that as an adult, I had basic money management systems and processes in place to support me in effectively using my money. This was helpful in having me build financial security so that I had freedom and choice in later years to leave behind a role that was no longer a good fit, to thrive after my position was eliminated, and to eventually start my own business.

However, while all of that technical information on money management systems, processes, habits, and routines was definitely helpful, what I didn’t realize was that I had developed a money belief that “financial security comes from a paycheck and benefits.” And I only figured this out in summer 2010 as I embarked on a new professional life as a financial coach where I would be working in someone else’s business on almost 90% commission. Talk about a huge potential roadblock to working successfully as a consultant if I believed that I could only be financially secure by someone paying me a paycheck consistently! And as I looked back at the professional path I had taken in the 13 years before, I realized how this belief kept me in my corporate job much longer than I wanted because I wanted to be comfortable and safe with the salary I was earning.

Once I was aware of this belief, it was my choice as to whether to create a new story for myself about my abilities to create my own paycheck based on my own worth and ability to contribute in a different way. I can’t say it was easy, yet once I recognized the roadblock of this belief I chose to interrupt the story I had created and break away from living in the pattern that I could only find success by working for someone else.

After making the decision to shift my belief and change my story, I could then live consciously in the present and choose the “financial rules” and beliefs that would create my life. I chose to believe that with the right mentorship and support, that I could learn how to become a successful entrepreneur who created her own income and my own life. I began to take action that supported that belief by training myself to understand more about how to build a successful business. And along that journey of training and learning, I have opened myself up to an entirely new world of “living by design” where I consciously choose my beliefs and the actions that I take.

Perhaps it’s not your dream to start your own business, however I can almost guarantee that unless you’ve spent a lot of time already identifying and shifting your money beliefs that there is something running around in the hamster wheel in your head that is holding you back from the abundant and thriving life that you truly want to create.

We all have the power to identify and shift our money beliefs from something that runs our lives unconsciously to something that empowers us. I once heard a mentor say, “if you’re going to make up a story (or belief), make sure it’s a good one!”

I invite you to create money beliefs that support you in thriving in your life and consciously allow yourself to live life by design, and not by default. Being present to what you want to create in your life and relishing the freedom and joy that accompanies living consciously is an amazing way to live!

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Writing a Financial Letter to the Universe

Often times I write about the more practical aspects of money management like using your cash flow intentionally, saving money, or getting out of debt. And while each of those is a critical component to building a strong financial foundation and improving your financial health, sometimes it’s also important to look at your finances with a bit more of a spiritual approach.

If you haven’t yet picked up on the fact that I’m equally spiritual and practical, then let me bring you in on the secret now. Yes, I love numbers and systems and processes and spreadsheets. I also am a student of the laws of the universe and enjoy coupling my logical thinking with the more mystical forces at play in our world.

So how can all of this apply to you and attracting more abundance into your life? Great question!

You write a financial letter to the Universe.

Yup, you heard me – you’re going to sit down and get clear on what it is that you want and what it is that you’re willing to do to create what you want!

There’s a great book named “Ask and It Is Given,” and in summary it offers a 3-step formula: 1) Ask; 2) It is given; 3) Receive.

As I’ve been reminded myself in the last few weeks as I’ve drafted my own letter, the critical first step is to be intentional in asking for what you want and finding clarity around what your goals are.

Intention (noun): 1) a course of action that one intends to follow; 2) An aim that guides action, an objective.

I’ve been clear over the last few weeks that my intention is to create a few key things in my life: 1) abundance through my business (financially speaking and also opportunities); 2) clearing space and decluttering; and 3) treating my body well with healthy food and regular exercise. So, in a way, you could say like the definition above I set aims that have guided the actions that I’ve taken in my life.

And the results have been amazing! Simply by focusing on what I want, having the faith that it will show up (and not being attached what it looks like when it arrives), and allowing it into my life I’ve found new clients, my body is feeling much healthier and I feel stronger, and overall I’ve been able to create not only physical space but also a sense of space for amazing opportunities to arrive.

The 3-step formula I mentioned before can easily also be used when it comes to your finances. If there’s a specific goal that you have in mind, then get clear about what the goal is and include it in your “letter” as a request. And then step back, start taking action steps on your end toward your goal and/or commitment, and see what happens. Watch for additional signs to take action on along the way as creating your life is a co-creative process for sure – it’s rare that you make a request and it just shows up on your doorstep without any additional input or action from you (although I’ve seen something pretty close to that, so who knows, anything is possible!).

What do you really want in your life that you haven’t yet asked for and would like to have happen? How is money a tool that could support you in pursuing and achieving your goals? How can you leverage this 3-step formula to enhance the abundant feeling in your life and improve your financial health?

While abundance has a wider definition beyond money, a critical component of abundance is about having access to the financial resources that you need/want to create your life. And while the Universe is a powerful force, it won’t act on your behalf on its own- so be intentional and ASK!

And once you’ve asked simply let the rest unfold…and receive it all into your life with gratitude.

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Designing Your Circle of Life

14 months ago I stepped into a training room on February 27, 2014 and my life changed forever (and definitely for the better!).

I began my journey with Gratitude Training in Florida, and started to identify the things that were holding me back from being everything that I could be and learning how to be more of who I am really meant to be.

As I moved through Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the trainings from February through June 2014, I could feel the terrible unfulfilled feeling I’d started the trainings with begin to leave my body while joy and excitement for my life ahead invigorated my soul.

By all pretenses, before I started the training I had a “good life”. And most people might’ve even labeled me as “successful.” Yet I wasn’t happy – I was stuck going through the motions of life, achieving everywhere I could at warp speed and yet that unfulfilled feeling stayed with me. I had no idea what was wrong.

Until I began to explore what Gratitude Training refers to as the “circle of life.” In a nutshell, the circle includes 6 areas of your life to consider in terms of how you would rank it on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being “really bad” and 10 being “awesome”):

  • Health/Body/Fitness
  • Business/Career/Finance
  • Family/Personal Relationships
  • Spiritual/Personal Growth
  • Leisure/Recreation
  • Community/Service

As I spent time during the trainings evaluating each area on a scale of 1-10 in my own life it became pretty clear why I was so unhappy. I’d spent so much time focused on one domain (Business/Career/Finance) that I’d allowed pretty much every other domain to dwindle. Was I having much fun? No. Did I feel healthy (or at least as healthy as I wanted to be)? No. Were my relationships with my family and friends the best that they could be? Ouch – definitely not. And while I had been focused on my spirituality and some community service in the previous few years, I knew there was a much higher level of personal growth and contribution of which I was capable.

So while I teach about building, creating, and strengthening your financial foundation and using money as a tool to support your dream life, it is only one piece of the puzzle in creating an abundant and fulfilled life of your dreams. I’m learning more and more every day how to play in each of these areas of the circle of life, and while it’s not always easy to grow it is always worth it!

And for today I’ll leave you with this question for you to consider:

Are you playing at 100% in all areas of your life?

Many people I talk to have dreams and aspirations to make a major difference in the world. Are you one of the change agents that the world desperately needs to shift from war, hatred, and scarcity to peace, love, and abundance? Is it your time to grab for the brass ring of life and finally go for it?

Please don’t let one more minute of precious and amazing life pass you by. Go for it all, and leave it all on the floor and enjoy the hell out of the ride while you’re at it!

I’ll see you on the ride if you decide to join me. 🙂

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Building Your Financial Confidence

After meeting with one of my clients earlier this week, I followed up via email to send along her final financial plan (a.k.a. savings and spending plan) after we made some edits during our final session.

Her response back to my email was to thank me for the information and for our time together and to proclaim that she truly “felt like a grown up” after taking control of this area of her life.

Because I do this for a living and on a regular basis, sometimes I forget how empowering it can be for people to step into an area of their life and confidently gain the knowledge that they need to intentionally direct and design their lives. This was an amazing reminder from this client of what life can look like when your level of financial confidence is raised and you’re ready to move forward to begin reaching for your dreams.

It was also a reminder of the things that stand in the way of people being as financially confident as they could be, and what they can do to step into their financial power:

1) Know your numbers – This is the beginning point of building financial confidence. Many people are feeling financially stressed because they know something isn’t working, and yet they’re not sure what it is exactly. The stress is unlikely going to get any better without looking at the numbers to figure things out, and in most cases it’s not as bad as one might think it is. Confidence begins with determining where you are financially speaking right now, in this moment.

2) Be intentional – Once you’re clear on where you are in this moment, you can become clear on where you want to go. My experience is that without an intentional road map for where you want your money to go and how you would like it to be used, money will end up being used randomly and not as purposefully and powerfully as it could be to support your life. So take the time to think about your goals and to also think about what you’d like to have in your life. Once you’re clear on the things that you want in your life, you can design a financial plan to support what you’re up to. Without an intentional financial plan, money often gets used in an unaligned way that doesn’t serve what you want in your life and this often times impairs financial confidence. With a clear intention and a clear understanding of how money is working as a tool in your life, your financial confidence will grow significantly.

3) Always be in the financial flow – Once a financial plan is in place, it’s important to always be measuring and monitoring how you’re doing against the plan. Many people will design a plan, and then “set it and forget it,” forgetting that life often changes and that our plans need to adapt and/or adjust. Also, new financial opportunities or challenges may arise that need to be accounted for in a plan so it’s important to always be considering whether a plan needs to shift to incorporate those items. Also, being in a regular conversation about your money (i.e. the weekly “money date” I suggest to my clients) is also important. Without a regular and mindful review of what’s going on financially, financial confidence can be impaired and you may be left with an unnecessary experience of feeling scarce and worried instead of abundant and powerful when it comes to your money.

These 3 simple (and yet not always easy, especially at first!) steps, when used in tandem with each other, can support you to bolster your financial confidence and keep it at a high level. And with a higher level of financial confidence, you’ll be able to make confident decisions in your life as you use money as the divine tool that it is truly meant to be to support the life of your dreams!

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Living in the Bermuda Triangle of Finances

“When I read your description of the Bermuda Triangle of Finances, I stopped…and then I cried. It was absolutely 100% what’s going on for me.”

This was what my newest client shared as she openly and honestly talked about her relationship with money. She had each of the 3 classic symptoms that come with the “triangle” that keep my clients drowning and fearful instead swimming in the abundant life of their dreams.

So what is the Bermuda Triangle of Finances, exactly? Well, let’s start with remembering what the Bermuda Triangle itself is (as defined by Wikipedia):

“The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.”

When I first read this definition the word “disappeared” caught my attention. Because that’s what my clients feel like when they’re spinning in the triangle trying to keep their heads above water, often times without a financial plan of any kind. Thinking that they’re the only ones that don’t understand money and their finances, they feel guilty and ashamed and choose to hide below the radar instead.

And it can all be avoided if you understand the 3 points of the Bermuda Triangle of Finances and how they work together to have you experience that you’re drowning and spinning.

Point #1 – Not consciously using your money – In today’s society, we’re constantly bombarded by TV commercials and other advertising mediums that demand our attention to buy, buy, and buy some more! And as I always like to say, if you haven’t taken the time to decide how to use your money in your life then money will ended up being used to buy just about anything and often random things that don’t really matter to you. At that point, there’s a lack of consciousness about how you’re using money in your life that has money slip through your fingers when having a solid financial plan could instead support you to build a strong financial foundation.

Point #2 – Having a decent amount of consumer debt – Most of my clients, on average, have between $25,000-$50,000 of consumer debt. This debt is held either on credit cards or as a home equity balance (i.e. they transferred higher interest credit cards to a lower interest home equity line), and it was typically generated by living above and beyond their means (expenses exceeded income) for a certain period of time. Very often, there is not a strategy in place to pay off the debt, and the person is left trying to pay off debt for past expenses while they’re continuing to spend more than they make…and the debt increases even as they’re doing their best to pay it down.

Point #3 – Limited savings – For me, this is the critical shift in stopping someone from drowning in the Bermuda Triangle of Finances. Without any savings (or limited savings), life’s surprises with financial consequences will typically end up on a credit card (see Point #2 above). With savings, life’s surprises can be absorbed and cash can be used instead of debt. It may seem counterintuitive, however it’s critical to have savings and even be actively saving while you’re paying down debt. Many experts recommend using all extra cash flow to solely pay down debt, and in my experience it’s best to have a financial plan to divide extra cash flow toward both debt and savings to strengthen your financial foundation.

When people experience these 3 things, the feeling is frustrating…like your lack of a solid financial plan will just keep you in the same old downward spiral that you’ve always been in.

And I can honestly tell you that it doesn’t need to be this way. I invite you to take a stand for yourself and your life, and decide today to consciously design a financial plan that will support your goals.

Drowning in the Bermuda Triangle of Finances isn’t necessary. Are you ready to grab your lifeboat and use the tools available to support the life of your dreams?

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