When Money and Quantum Physics Collide

Lately, I’ve been drawn to a field of study called quantum physics, which is essentially all about how we create our experience and everything in our lives.

Now before you go thinking I’ve lost my mind (I can hear you now saying to yourself “she’s a financial expert not a scientist, right???”), bear with me for a bit and see if you can begin to wrap your head around what is turning out for me to be a MAJOR mindset shift as it relates to money, finances, and abundance.

In high school, physics was by far my worst subject. I had an amazing teacher and while the basics made sense I didn’t come close to understanding it beyond memorizing formulas that I would need for tests (and I would quickly forget even those shortly thereafter!).

Last year, one of my business coaches recommended a great book called “A Happy Pocket Full of Money.” It sounded amazing and who doesn’t want to have a lot of money in their pocket, right? I downloaded the audio version of the book and started listening right away…and I immediately had one major issue when I came to a few chapters in. It started to talk about quantum physics and I couldn’t help but fall asleep!!

Several months later in the spring/early summer of 2014, I started to train for the half marathon I would complete in September, and I needed something to listen to that I could sink my teeth into (and quite honestly that would distract me from exercising which I do because it’s good for me, not because I love it). I listened to “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” a few times during my training walks, and I started to understand and hear how quantum physics explained that we are in control of creating our experience at all times, and that there are things we can do to attract abundance into our lives. This was GREAT news as far as I was concerned, and it also dove-tailed with some training I had done earlier this year as well.

I began to think about how this body of knowledge and new insights applied to money and my work as a financial coach – what did this mean as it related to money and attracting abundance, and was there anything new to teach my clients or share with others during presentations I did?

And then the Universe answered me in the form of another book, Busting Loose from the Money Game. And the “happy accident” part of the story is that I intended to order “Busting Loose from the Business Game” (a book by the same author). So when the book arrived on my doorstep one Friday night courtesy of Amazon and I opened it to see the wrong book I said “huh, they shipped the wrong book!” And then I stopped to say “wait – maybe they didn’t ship the wrong book?” Sure enough, I checked my email receipt from when I ordered and I had been the one to order the “wrong” book. What a serendipitous coincidence, yes? I love those!!!

Of course the book is perfect for where I am personally right now, and also as an additional resource and consideration when it comes to my financial work. I will admit that I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all, and I’m by no means an expert, yet I thought I’d share some of the basic take-aways I’ve had with you to share a different perspective and point of view.

Here is a brief look into 3 key mindset shifts I’ve experienced since beginning this latest book (and I’m still working my way through it, so there might be more to come):

1) We create everything in our life – I’ll start with the most challenging concept of quantum physics and abundance, and yet it’s the most important one from my perspective. In a nutshell, at any given time we have participated in creating our current existence, whether it’s the house we live in, our job, or our financial situation. We are born as magnificent and abundant creatures, only to be placed into a world where the primary experience is one of limitation, restriction, or lack which has us believe that there isn’t enough. If we only could truly understand how powerful we are as human beings, we would have access to the unlimited abundance that is our birthright and powerfully create amazing things in our lives.

2) Appreciation and gratitude for every form of money in your life is critical – The concepts of gratitude and appreciation aren’t necessarily new ones, however what was new for me was to think about whether I actually expressed appreciation as it related to my financial commitments. We all live in the physical world where bills are a part of our experience, yet how we approach paying those bills can impact our overall financial experience. When paying bills, do you take the time to sincerely appreciate the value of what was received in exchange for your payment, or do you simply make the payment in a rush and, perhaps even worse, sigh to yourself that it’s more money out the door? The ability to express appreciation for the flow of money into and out of your life is an important part of ensuring that financial energy continues to circulate and you are able to continue to create value and abundance in your life.

3) “Have to” vs. “Get to” – This concept isn’t necessarily from the book itself, it’s more of a language change that I’ve made for myself recently that relates to the above 2 shifts I’ve already mentioned. We often speak of what we do as “I have to do XYZ,” when the reality is that we always have choice – either in doing something at all or in how we energetically approach a task. When we “have to” do something, we’re resigning ourselves to doing it and if we are truly taking the stance that we are the Creator in our own lives, then we absolutely do “get to” do everything – because we created what we get to do in the first place!

Wow – that was a lot of new thinking, even for me! I completely understand that these are new ideas, and they may seem a bit foreign to you at first (as they did to me – they literally shook my brain and gave me a headache for a little while). My hope is that by sharing what I’m learning with you today that it will encourage you to explore whether these ideas and concepts resonate for you as a new possibility to put yourself more firmly in the financial driver’s seat of your life! I know I’ll be doing just that for myself in the weeks and months to come.

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